Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Silence is Violence; Stop Muting Media

The media is toxic. From the biased organizations, the skewed news stories, and the openly opinion news anchors, its apparent that the media lies. Society has the tendency to say "Well, it was on the news so it must be true!" That is false! The media tells you only what they want you to hear. News bias is real, America needs to wake up! 

Clickbait is huge within the media, especially social media. A news source gains revenue from every click they get. So why wouldn't they try to skew headlines to make them more appealing? These appealing headlines are where the media starts to promote false information. Specific news outlets are notorious for having biased information and stories being highlighted from their outlet.

Sources like Fox News are usually more right-leaning, while CNN, is more to the left. There are some sources that are noticeably more unbiased and have been commended for staying neutral when reporting today's events and news. 

When it comes to Antiwar.com and theamericanconservative.com, I think your typical Americans have not seen these websites since they are not a part of the mainstream media. Although they are biased sources, more right-leaning networks such as Fox News and Daily Wire are more likely to come up in a search for conservative beliefs, since they often sway their stories to fit that agenda. 

In today's society, younger people are stereotypically less involved in politics since they are less informed. Those who are more informed either do their own research or listen to the media through outlets their family and friends use, since they see it is a "trusted" source of information by the people close to them. This is where the promotion of the media bias can get boosted. 

6 out of 10 people say that they think the media is biased. With a majority believing there is bias within the news, how are Americans going to get trustworthy, unbiased, and honest news? The story itself may have 100 percent truth to it, but once the news outlets get their hands on it, they start to only tell certain parts of the story, alter information, and try to convince the readers that they are getting all of the facts, when in reality, it is just what the outlet wants you to hear. 

Especially when it comes to antiwar, those voices are usually the first to be silenced. That is a topic that is usually considered to be going against the government. Although we have a democracy, antiwar voices are seen as people going against the government, which is frowned upon, even though we have our right to free speech. 

In my opinion, I think people and some news outlets are just afraid to post the truth. The government and media outlets are all corrupt institutions with people cutting corners and trying to get everyone to agree with them. That is not okay. It needs to be more normalized for people to have a difference in opinion, as well as disagreeing with policy that is being brought into government at the time. 

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