Thursday, March 2, 2023

My Five News Sources

Today, news is everywhere. From your phone, bulletin boards, and even just word of mouth, you are always hearing and reading the news. There are many places where I search for my news, but there are also sources I do not trust as much. I prefer sources that share some of my same beliefs so I can see topics that interest me, I am passionate about, or that I would like to become more educated on.

My Family

While being at college, it is very easy to become overwhelmed by other information, or simply block out the news that isn't directly related to campus. However, I have stayed in very close contact with my family and friends who update me on things that impact them, as well as things that are broader, and will concern everyone. My mom is my biggest source of news since she provides me with her thoughts of the daily news, but also, she keeps me informed on what is happening at home, so I can make educated decisions on elections, or other important matters, so although I have been physically absent from my community, I still remain in the loop. 

Ever since I was little, Fox News was the channel my parents always watched. I grew up watching the anchors on the channel, and I have learned a lot from them. However, I prefer Fox News over other outlets because their beliefs align with mine a lot more than other sources. Although their news is more biased, I usually agree with their stances on subjects, so I am being informed on topics that I would normally search for due to my interests and stances on politics and social issues. 

With being far from home, I really enjoy reading the news from back home. The Aegis is my counties local newspaper, meaning I see a lot of people and places I am very familiar with. This isn't always my go-to outlet, but I often get sent articles from family and friends about events happening in my hometown that I am interested in seeing. I like to keep up with my hometown since it is where I call home and it often showcases the people I interact with on a daily basis. 

Since I am a Sports Media major, I really enjoy the world of sports. More specifically, I love reading and seeing news about collegiate athletics. I get a lot of the information on my teams' standings and their scores through the ESPN website and the notifications I get from the ESPN app, when games are happening live.

The last place I get my news is from The Baltimore Sun. Like The Aegis, I get a lot of my news that is happening at home from this outlet. I live about 45 minutes outside of Baltimore, so a lot of news that gets published in The Sun, often relates to me and my hometown. 

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